Dynamic Named Data Overlay Networks

The principal Ethos in Named Data Networking is a focus on an immutable binding between a data packet and it's name, in such a way as to be effectively cached and delivered over the network with minimal retransmission of identicle data over the same link. This is in contrast to today's IP based networking where packets are primarily tied to a source and destination

While a pure Named Data approach gives an advantage in the case of networks constrained by well defined network topologies, Overlay networks may be designed and implimented according to any topology desired.

Here we explore the notion of a Hybrid between Named Data and Named Endpoints, using Named data to increase distribution efficiency withing subgroups of the global network, without burdening those for whom the specific data is irrelevant.

It is our hope that a hybrid strategy will be usefull in allowing large scale rich web applications to be deployed using peer to peer web technologies.