Ryan's work with Named Data Networking.

NDN Browserkit - a repo, daemon, and midlayer in the browser

NDN Wiki - Test case for NDN-Browserkit


NDN Patterns - Things I find myself doing over and over. Fodder for the browserKit

NDN and Telehash - DHT + content names and caching... neato

Other Stuff

NDN Conference Calls - notes from NDN group calls

Constructing a worker transport class to send NDN data through threads using structured cloning.

Currently developing NDN Wiki, building NDN Browserkit as a modular piece for other NDN apps.

Ryan Bennett is developing NDN Wiki, building NDN Browserkit as a modular piece for other NDN apps.

Why should we do a pilot program for NDN wiki with Philosophy students?

Draft for CSU NDN Paper. I'm using this part of the wiki to jot down thoughts as I have them, and refactoring as I go.

After prototyping NDN-BrowserKit I am ready to make a second attempt, in parallel with the NFD project.

These are preliminary API Goals for NDNR-js . The build is not passing muster at the moment but I'm getting closer...

NDNR-js is my first attempt at a truly high level abstraction. It wraps the HTML5 Api in a schema specific to storing preEncoded NDN objects, ready to fulfill data requests to the network.

Some plugins making use of NDN within the wiki:

NDN-Wiki attempts to Takes the client-side Federated Wiki editor and use Named Data Networking as a transport layer.

Question: is there some naming convention in NDN that allows for a procedural

There are very few established best practices in Named Data Networking. Here I will document idioms that I find myself using, so as to explore the design space.

Recovering from a harddrive failure... most of my data is still available, but my disorginazation is now evident... Time to do a major refactor

NDN-io is

NDN Call 12/20/13 - Interest Selectors in Core Routers.

Draft for CSU NDN Paper. I'm using this part of the wiki to jot down thoughts as I have them, and refactoring as I go.

NDN Browserkit is envisioned as a midlayer between UCLA's NDN-js and a variety of NDN enabled webapps

Subject: Interest Selectors in Core Routers . Should core ISP NDN routers evaluate interest selectors? What is the performance hit of sophisticated lookups? What are the potential issues that may arise without core interest selectors?

IndexedDB repository - CHECK

ndn browser shim is a brute force packaging of UCLA's NDN-js into a browserifieable npm module. Concerns:

If we're going to go through the trouble of building a new DVCS, we should probably modularize it away from our current wiki implementation, allowing both for other applications to be build on top, and other transport protocols to be used on bottom (hint hint, NDN; Telehash)