Ryan's work with Named Data Networking.
NDN Browserkit - a repo, daemon, and midlayer in the browser
NDN Wiki - Test case for NDN-Browserkit
NDN Patterns - Things I find myself doing over and over. Fodder for the browserKit
NDN and Telehash - DHT + content names and caching... neato
Other Stuff
NDN Conference Calls - notes from NDN group calls
Constructing a worker transport class to send NDN data through threads using structured cloning.
Currently developing NDN Wiki, building NDN Browserkit as a modular piece for other NDN apps.
Ryan Bennett is developing NDN Wiki, building NDN Browserkit as a modular piece for other NDN apps.
Why should we do a pilot program for NDN wiki with Philosophy students?
Draft for CSU NDN Paper. I'm using this part of the wiki to jot down thoughts as I have them, and refactoring as I go.
After prototyping NDN-BrowserKit I am ready to make a second attempt, in parallel with the NFD project.
These are preliminary API Goals for NDNR-js . The build is not passing muster at the moment but I'm getting closer...
NDNR-js is my first attempt at a truly high level abstraction. It wraps the HTML5 Api in a schema specific to storing preEncoded NDN objects, ready to fulfill data requests to the network.
Some plugins making use of NDN within the wiki:
NDN-Wiki attempts to Takes the client-side Federated Wiki editor and use Named Data Networking as a transport layer.
Question: is there some naming convention in NDN that allows for a procedural
There are very few established best practices in Named Data Networking. Here I will document idioms that I find myself using, so as to explore the design space.
Recovering from a harddrive failure... most of my data is still available, but my disorginazation is now evident... Time to do a major refactor
NDN-io is
NDN Call 12/20/13 - Interest Selectors in Core Routers.
Draft for CSU NDN Paper. I'm using this part of the wiki to jot down thoughts as I have them, and refactoring as I go.
NDN Browserkit is envisioned as a midlayer between UCLA's NDN-js and a variety of NDN enabled webapps
Subject: Interest Selectors in Core Routers . Should core ISP NDN routers evaluate interest selectors? What is the performance hit of sophisticated lookups? What are the potential issues that may arise without core interest selectors?
IndexedDB repository - CHECK
ndn browser shim is a brute force packaging of UCLA's NDN-js into a browserifieable npm module. Concerns: